Tuesday, February 21, 2006

never give up.....

If you are hungry enough for a 1st mortgage you will find one. A reason client
needed a 1st mortgage, had two bankrupts in her credit history and found financing.
But, she was hungry and didn't take no for an answer. From one bank to another, from
financing firm to another, till she found a private lender. A one year term with a
higher rate than banks, but she has her house and will be able to upgrade her credit
history for the coming years. There is one thing to keep in mind for people searching for funds,
never say no, I can't find any. One friend of my, who I would have never lent 5 cent,
was wanting to buy a house, well it took 11 vistes to find one lender, 10 said no,
the eleventh say yes. So, never give up, polish your approach.

Over a period of 50 years I have created or brought 49 businesses. Some I keep for a month or two, others for 10 years.
In some cases I operated 3 to 4 businesses at the same time. I brought or created business for a living first,
because I needed money to pay my mortgage or rent, feed my wife and two girls. But besides that
it was my hobby to create a business or a thrill. I started at the age of fifteen with a grocery shop,
which became a restaurant to finish has a dance hall. In 1955-56 rock and roll with Elvis, Bill
Harley, Little Richard and hundrenth other rock and roll singers, dance halls were the business
to be in. But my dream was mail order, tomorrow it's mail order.


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